I. The Society shall be known as the Maidenhead & District Philatelic Society (M&DPS).
2. The purpose of the Society shall be to promote the collection and study of stamps & philatelic material.
Membership & Subscriptions
3. The annual subscriptions shall be £10.00 but no subscription shall be paid by those members who are under 16 years of age, or less than 18 years of age and in full time attendance at school or college.
Where, at the date of joining, the A.G.M is less than 6 months away the Subscription shall be halved. All Subscriptions are due at the A.G.M or on joining the Society.
A visitor shall not attend more than two meetings of the Society unless he/she then becomes a member.
A payment of £2 is due by each member on attendance of each meeting.
Payment of the Subscription is deemed to show acceptance of the Society’s Rules. Members under the age of 18 years must be sponsored by an adult member who is prepared to assume responsibility for their compliance with the Society's Rules.
Extraordinary General Meeting
4. In the event of decisions needing to be made an EGM will be called. The Officers of the Society shall be the President, who shall take the chair when present, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Packet Secretary. The EGM shall consist of the Officers and up to four members who may be co-opted. The quorum for an EGM shall be four and it shall be empowered to take all executive decisions on behalf of the Society.
Annual General Meeting.
5. The Society's financial year shall end on 31st March. The AGM shall be held on the second meeting in May, when the Officers' reports and statements of account for the preceding year shall be presented.
All Officers shall be elected at the AGM for a period of one year, and shall be eligible for re-election. Additional Officers may be appointed as necessary.
An Extraordinary General Meeting specifically called for the purpose of alteration of these rules may be requisitioned by any five members.
6. Commission at the rate of 10% shall be deducted in respect of all sales through the Society's auctions.
The initial bid and all bid steps shall be at least 10p.
The Society cannot vouch for the authenticity of any item sold.
Loss or Damage
7. The Society cannot assume any responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, any article brought into the Society’s meeting rooms by any person.
Alteration of the Rules.
9. No alteration of these rules shall be made except at an AG.M or at an Extraordinary General Meeting specifically called for that purpose.
Exchange Packet.
10. There will be an M.&D.P.S. Exchange Packet with its own rules which will be set by the AGM / Packet Secretary.
Winding-up of the Society
10 (a) The Society may be dissolved by the consent of 75% of the members.
(b ) An EGM shall provide a document stating how any residual assets shall be disposed of, but so that no member of the Society shall benefit individually from the disposal. The acceptance of the document shall be determined by 75% of the members of the Society.
( c ) In the event that the dissolution is for purposes of amalgamation with another society, the sum contributed by the Society shall be not more than that provided by the other society, and the residual assets shall be distributed as in (b ) above.
M&DPS, 19 May 2015.
Amended 18 May 2023 as per AGM 17 May 2023